Kidrobot and Staple came out with a collaboration project of a vinyl Staple pigeon. For those that don't know Staple Design, they are a clothing collection, a creative agency and a retail store founded by the one and only Jeffstaple. You can watch a short video of the man here:
Staple from Eighteen Eighty on Vimeo.
Anyway, I wasn't sure if I wanted the pigeon since it was a little 'puffy' for me and the price was a bit high. At the last minute, I decided I wanted one but I was busy the day Jeff was doing his signing at Kidrobot NY, so I missed it. I wanted one but wanted one signed by Jeff; so on Twitter, I contacted @reedspace (Staple's store) and @jeffstaple if he can sign a bird for me for pickup at the store. Jeff and Reed Space responded saying they could probably hook it up for me and last Friday, on my way to Chinatown, I stopped by the store (dope) and picked up my brand new SILVER signed pigeon (most of the pics I've seen of the signing, the regular pigeon was signed in black ink and the white pigeon signed in gold ink). The silver signature is dope since it doesn't stick out and conforms to the colors of the pigeon. So it's like it's there, but not really there. Love it - this is the first vinyl toy I have no intention of selling/giving/modifying/etc!!!

Click on the image to enlarge!
I also wanted to cop a black OG pigeon cap, but they didn't have my size! Bummer!
Props goes out to Jeffstaple and Reed Space for hooking me up! Jeff is an inspiration to me, to go and do your own thing and make your own clothes, I'd love to be like him one day. I really wished I made it out to the signing so I can meet the man in person, but maybe another day!
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