Well New York Comic Con 2010 has come and gone and I was very happy w/ the experience. I would love to go again next year! However, I prepared a bunch of customs and for some reason, none sold. Honestly I'm a little surprised that none sold and thought my prices were very reasonable. Perhaps people don't like my work? Perhaps people don't have the money? I'm not sure, but whatever the reason, I may step back from doing too many customs for now.
It's not because none sold, it's more because I'd like to concentrate on doing more digital art and character design. I'd love to create my own characters and I'd love to do what Simone Legno did, create art, characters, etc. and have them become a brand. That's my ultimate goal; so while creating customs is fun, my main goal is to hopefully one day, w/ much hard work and some luck, have my own brand. Hopefully.
So to accomplish this, I need to do more graphical/digital/pencil/whatever work. Of course I'll keep doing customs here and there as well!
Also, for those that don't know, my wife is pregnant w/ our first child and wow, does baby products cost a lot! So if anyone can, it would be helpful to me if you can buy a custom or even a promo pack from my web store, not only are you helping me but you are helping my child. Props to those that do!
AW177 Web Store:
http://aw177.bigcartel.com/I'll also be working on a small 8"x8" wood 'Year of the Dragon' canvas piece to raise money for Andy from
Toys R Evil. For those that don't know, Toys R Evil is one of the best designer toy/toy/etc. web blogs out there, run by one man show, Andy Heng. Andy has been helpful and informative to the entire toy community, and he recently suffered a stroke. Luckily he is doing better now and I'd like to raise some money to help him out. So I will be selling a small canvas coming out soon and hope some great and nice people out there will be willing to buy it to help out a great guy like Andy. Props to Andy for always getting my back and w/ NYCC! Be strong bro!
That's it for now - oh and the 25th Anniversary of Back to the Future is out on Blu-Ray; go cop it, love the trilogy! Talk soon!